Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Why the Spider Analogy

A writing work in progress

It is no coincidence that the red hourglass image on a Black Widow resembles the look of a keyhole.  There in simplest form lies the answer to all the universal questions, just find the key.

Enter here….

The Spider Totem:
Many stories exist about the weaver, Grandmother spider. She carried on her back the gift of fire in a basket that she wove and presented to the people. In another story it is said that her web bound all things together and formed the foundation of earth.
These legends give the spider a link to the past, present, future, birth, and creation.  When the spider crawls into you’re awareness she is asking you to rebuild the web of your life in accordance with the design the creator gave you.  
It is this precise realization that has pushed me into pursuing my healing talents and using Spiritual Response and Restructuring Therapy with my clients.  This method of soul and belief work aligns people with their true uninhibited intuitive nature, and creates profound positive changes.
Spiders differ from insects in having eight legs rather than six and in having the body divided into two parts rather than three. The number eight laid on its side is the symbol for infinity.  The number two implies the union of two forces joined together. Together they equal ten.  Drop the zero and you are back to the starting point of one. The hidden message of  the spider is unity.  Uniting the physical and spiritual being as one, not separate from spirit, goddess, god, all that is, or whatever name resonates and identifies your spiritual connection for you individually.
The construction of the web is linked to the geometry of creation. In the construction of an orb web the spider releases a sticky silken thread into the wind.  If the breeze carries the thread to a spot where it sticks the first bridge is formed.  Spider cautiously crosses the line reinforcing it with a second.  This process continues until a frame is constructed in which the web can secure itself.  Bridges serve as a link tying all things together and remind us of our interconnectedness to all life.
The spider shows us that the past, the present, and the future are all interwoven.  It awakens our intuitive creative senses and encourages us to design the fabric of our lives from our souls original intention. If you see a spider in its web, or creating a new one, pay attention, it symbolizes where you are in the weaving of your own destiny
Spiders are actually very delicate they embody the energy of gentleness.  Spiders are not usually aggressive unless they are defending their lives. Moving forward in all situations with a gentle strength is a skill that often needs to be learned for those with this totem. In man, the bite of a poisonous spider symbolizes a death, rebirth process. Poison enters the nervous system and the body either transmutes it or falls victim to its venom and dies.
The spider signifies the tapestry of life.  The web we weave is the reality we experience.

Thought: I cannot really find the words to express what is happening to me, my reality, and life, my whole being.  Hold my hand though and you will feel it.  It will resound within you and awaken something you never thought could be there or possible, but you will KNOW and  UNDERSTAND, as it spins continuously.

For me she symbolizes our gateway, through the keyhole back to source.  I have been told the english translation of the word Jeddah from arabic is grandmother, or godmother.  It is no coincidence that I have been drawn here to this dessert by the sea.  It is all unfolding in the periphery of my vision, the hologram merely three inches off my nose as I pay attention to the reflection of what I weave of this significant experience.  

When I meditate the light bridge looks like a web.  An intimate, integrate, delicate, almost not really visible to the naked eye, or metaphysical realm.  A blip in the matrix, like you could reach out and touch it, crawl through it.  The elixir reveals the beauty, the reality of the dimensions.  You too are now able to access them and crawl through.  Anywhere you’re little heart desires.  The Sirian’s are the guardians of the light bridge from here, follow with an open heart and all is possible!  Listen for the hum in your ear and know that is me.

The Journey through Movement

For some, the safety in staying put and sedentary throughout their lives is key to their journey through life, personal growth and developments.

The biggest realization I have made on my journey thus far, lies in embracing ones true nature.

A spider does not weave her web by staying fixed in one spot. The motion and vibration of her movement stimulates the production of silk from her spinneret. Through this movement she intuitively knows to follow her innate desire and intuition through weaving. Safety for me is steeped in movement, which I have learned to embrace and integrate.

People throughout my life have always questioned my drive and desire for movement and travel. It is a foreign concept for most to grasp.

I have watched many of my chosen family members search within their communities lying in wait; waiting for pieces of their realities, fractals of their beings, and expressions of their essence from throughout the space time continuum in past, present, and future to converge. Maybe this sense of convergence will be the "whole" that we all hope to on some level achieve.

I have decided however, to harness the infinite power in my true vibratory nature and follow my intuition on a journey to actively collect these fractals, impressions, and pieces from past, present, and future expressions; compressing them all into the silken thread to which I use to weave my global web. I have been on a course my whole life, following the Dog Star on a journey that has and will continue to transcend time and space.

This journey is what I share with you in love, joy, and gratitude. For every one of you who has passed in and out of my life even for but a brief moment, has energetically contributed in an immeasurable way to the integration and fiber of my being. And for this I say a huge Thank you! I am who I have become and continue to grow to be, because of each and every one of you in your own very special way. I invite you to continue to share and grow with me in the adventure through this blog.